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7 Types of Plagiarism Students Should Avoid While Writing Their Academic Assignment

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June 10, 2021 General

The most serious offense in Academic writing is Plagiarism. This offense’s consequences can lead to the end of one’s academic or even professional career. Myassignmentspro’s team is offering My Assignment Services for the students of Australia since 2008. The article gives an insight to the readers about different types of Plagiarism that cannot be ignored at any cost.

Myassignmentspro, by providing My Assignment Services, is aiming to inform and give in-depth understanding to the readers about 9 types of plagiarism.

  • Direct Plagiarism:

Direct plagiarism is when someone clowns or copy someone else’s work word to word, without citing it and moreover claim it to be his or her. Copying word to word is now easily noticed, thanks to the plagiarism checkers like Grammarly, Turnitin, etc.

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  • Self Plagiarism:

This type of plagiarism is very common in students. Due to a lack of time, urgency, knowledge, students tend to copy their previous work and submit it without realizing that doing so is offensive in the academic world.

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  • Paraphrased Plagiarism:

Paraphrasing or rephrasing is also equivalent to a crime in academics, as the work someone is presenting as original work is a rephased version of already published work. This is overall the most common type of Plagiarism in academic writing.

  • Mosaic Plagiarism:

As the name suggests, this is when a student copy’s a quote or a statement and uses it without the quotation marks, or changes a few words by placing synonyms of the words. Whether intentional or not, but is a serious offense when it comes to academic writing.

  • Accidental Plagiarism:

This type is very common when someone is submitting their assignments without proofreading. This type of plagiarism occurs when the citation of any resource is not done or the words of the reference point is being intentionally changed to present it as an original work to the readers.

  • Verbatim Plagiarism:

This type is also known as copy and paste Plagiarism. In this, the whole segment is copied word to word without citing the work or even mentioning the name of the original creator.

  • Limited visibility plagiarism:

This is when someone copies someone’s work who is not that visible online or any were in social media, which software find difficult to find.

Afraid of submitting your assignments with any of these plagiarism types? Don’t have the Right software to inspect plag? Or don’t have experience in handling plagiarism?

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