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A Short Guide to Writing Economic Research

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October 11, 2021 General

If you conduct academic research, whether, in economics or another discipline, you must be candid about the following: "Do you desire readers for your research?" If the answer is "no," then go on reading. If the answer is "yes," you should probably be thinking and working on much more than your paper's beginning. In the 1950s and 1960s, Barney Kilgore, a legendary Wall Street Journal editor, displayed a motto in his office: "The simplest thing a reader can do is to stop reading." If the introduction does not pique readers' interest, they will frequently take the easy route and go on to something else.

Does that sound disheartening? That is true if you are unsure what to do, but you are no longer in that circumstance because you are going to read everything you need to know about economics research papers.

1. Identify the Subject

Typically, economics research articles seek to determine how a group or an individual might solve a specific problem or respond to a particular incentive. Additionally, they investigate how variables change in response to external shocks. There are two primary forms of economics research papers that a student needs to think about either before availing of economics assignment help or doing assignments without any help. that you are likely to receive as assignments and depending on the subject, you can choose one of the following:

• Theoretical

The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that a particular model is possible. It could be a model established by another researcher or one that is entirely new. The theoretical economics article is chosen when there is insufficient information to test the model on real-world instances. It is characterized by an abundance of mathematics, theorems, and proofs.

• Empirical

This type of research article validates the model by comparing it to reality. Compared to theoretical works, it comprises more English than mathematics, and the study findings are typically structured in tables.

There are numerous additional sorts when students come to My Assignments Pro for Economics assignments help, such as history papers, literature reviews, and handbooks, but the ones listed above are the most frequently assigned. It's critical to determine the writing that you're required to do. Each guide or manual on academic writing emphasizes the vital importance of selecting an appropriate topic for a reason - a topic virtually determines the fate of your work! It is critical that you dedicate sufficient time to locating the subject.

2. How to Write a Research Proposal for an Economics Paper?

A research proposal is a brief piece of text that you submit to your adviser or board of directors. You define the subject of your following publication and the route in which your study will take.

Thus, your economics research proposal must be: 

• Coherent and clear - Short sentences should be written in a simple academic language with realistic expectations and much more 

• Properly structured - A page title, literature review, research question, methodology, work plan progress, and list of references) should be mentioned

• Word limit - Not exceed 3000 words

3. Organizing It

Like any other academic essay, an economics research paper follows a predetermined structure that includes numerous critical components. Understanding the goal and necessary information for each section is vital, which is why we will linger on them in our subsequent writing.


In this synopsis of a paragraph that highlights your research, you should emphasize only the most salient parts, such as the following:

  • The subject of your work and the research question
  • The research objectives
  • A few words about the methodology, discussion, and results

The economic technique may include statistical modelling, observation, calculation, various sorts of analysis, and deductive/inductive reasoning, among other things. Ensure that you understand what they signify and how they are implemented to describe the procedures used accurately.

The results can be presented quantitatively, visually in the form of graphs or tables, or verbally. Of course, you will need to include your commentary to connect all of the completed work to the findings, but avoid becoming too involved in the discussion, as that is covered in another section.


In this section, you can go through your results in detail and include as much of your interpretation as you choose. The critical feature of the discussion stage is to relate it to the introduction, i.e., to ensure that you've accomplished all objectives, addressed the research question and demonstrated your thesis statement.


An excellent and correct technique to conclude an economics research paper is to compile a list of all the sources you consulted and referred to while composing the essay. Remember to format them according to the citation style you're using.


The conclusion is essentially your paraphrased opening with the addition of a few additional elements. Here, you must underline the significance of your research findings and how they might be used in practice in your field of study and others. Additionally, you may expand on the opportunities for further research.

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